Sunday, January 12, 2014

Awesome Tree Houses for Kids

Times have changed, and kids today have many more reasons to site inside all day rather than exploring the great outdoors like children of previous eras. While your childhood was filled with sand box castles, hopscotch, wooded trails and inspecting bugs through the lens of a magnifying glass, children of the 21st century are more concerned with video games and chatting with friends over the internet. If you’re struggling to get your kids out of the house and offer them a more enriching childhood experience, consider building a tree house.
Treehouse Djuren Germany Awesome Tree Houses for Kids
Treehouse in Djuren, Germany
Treehouse by the lake Awesome Tree Houses for Kids
Tree house by the lake
1) A tree house does not have to be a mansion in the sky – nor does it have to be a few pieces of ply board nailed to an old oak. There are many tree house designs for almost any yard space and budget, and they all offer kids the chance to make lasting memories.
2) One thing that all tree houses need is a sturdy ladder or staircase. Some tree house builders have chosen to affix small outdoor spiral staircases to their houses while others have created a rudimentary step latter by securing several thick pieces of wood to the trunk of a tree. Whatever you choose, remember that it needs to be durable enough to support kids of all ages and sizes – even adults.
3) Next, remember that you do not want to inhibit the growth of the tree. A large tree house fasted to one singular tree may be too much weight for the tree to bear. Instead, consider putting the main supports into the ground and building the house around the tree. This way the house won’t stop the tree from growing.
4) Lastly, add in a few special characteristics to your child’s tree house to help spur their imagination, such as a boat’s helm, a secret peep hole or a telescope for starry summer evenings. By giving them their own special forest hideaway, it will not only be easier to get them outside – it will be almost impossible to get them to come back in! Which is a great thing if you ask us :) !
Beautiful kids tree house design
Treehouse at Sanasuma Yoga Retreat
Tree House in Osnabruck, Germany
Falcon’s Perch Treehouse, Long Island, NY
Tree house inspiration in Costa Rica

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